On-Demand Webinar
Prevent Unplanned Downtime with Prescriptive Maintenance
With current shortages in on-site staffing, many companies struggle to prevent unexpected breakdowns. AI and machine learning technology leverage precise pattern recognition from manufacturing assets to provide weeks, or even months, of advanced warning on imminent degradation and failures.
White Paper
Five Keys to Agility and Resilience through Digitalization for Upstream Oil and Gas
The upstream oil and gas sector has faced a variety of challenges such as unpredictable oil prices, changing patterns of demand and ensuring safe working conditions at remote sites. Accelerated digitalization programs, particularly those that include digital twin technology, can provide agility and resilience to better handle future market uncertainty and lay the foundation for longer term competitive advantage.
On-Demand Webinar
Analyze and Respond to Changing Refinery Conditions in the “New Normal”
Refineries are tasked with finding better ways to navigate today’s extremely disruptive environment. Many companies are operating under a “new normal”, characterized by extremely volatile markets, a depressed demand for products and a non-essential staff working remotely. In this on-demand webinar AspenTech experts share best practices to help you:
On-Demand Webinar
Webinar con YPFB: Cómo optimizar la producción de upstream utilizando un gemelo digital
YPFB es la petrolera nacional de Bolivia y es un productor clave en la producción de gas en Sudamérica. Su producción empezó a disminuir drásticamente en dos de sus principales campos de gas en Bolivia por lo tanto YPFB necesitaba superar este problema para cumplir con sus obligaciones contractuales. En este webinar aprenda cómo utilizaron un gemelo digital de Aspen HYSYS para solucionar los cuellos de botella de su planta, ductos y estaciones de compresión lo que les permitió:
White Paper
Digitally Enabled Reliability: Beyond Predictive Maintenance in Mining
Real-time condition-based monitoring of assets is an attractive solution for mining companies to minimize their unscheduled downtime and improve reliability of critical equipment. The success of an asset monitoring program depends on how well this data is analyzed, filtered and categorized to enable accurate predictions of impending failures. Focusing on the behavior of an asset only tells a small portion of the story. To fully predict failures, the trends of the entire process must be considered as a whole.
On-Demand Webinar
Reduzca el riesgo operacional en las Unidades de Destilación utilizando un Digital Twin
En el panorama volátil actual, los refinadores deben cambiar sus operaciones para adaptarse a las demandas de los productos que están en constante cambio, y hacerlo con una fuerza laboral que trabaja remotamente. La tecnología de digital twin ofrece información clave para que los ingenieros puedan predecir posibles disrupciones del proceso desde cualquier lugar.
On-Demand Webinar
디지털 트윈을 이용한 정유 공장의 운전 리스크 감소 방안
CDU(Crude Distillation Units)는 정유사에서 수익성을 추구하는 가장 중요한 공정입니다. 현재의 VUCA, 즉 변동성이 크고(Volatile), 불확실하며(Uncertain), 복잡하고(Complex), 모호한(Ambiguous) 비즈니스 환경에서 정유사들이 디지털 트윈 기술을 활용하여 현재의 불확실성을 보다 효과적으로 타개하여 민첩하고 신속하게 대응할 수 있도록 돕는 두 가지 기술 영역에 대하여 알아보겠습니다.
On-Demand Webinar
Reduce CDU Operational Risk with Plant Digital Twin
In today’s volatile environment, refiners must shift operations to adapt to ever-changing product demands – and do it with an increasingly remote workforce. Plant digital twin technology provides operational insights so engineers can predict potential disruptions from anywhere.
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