
Executive Brief

Промышленный ИИ ускоряет переход на цифровые технологии в капиталоемких отраслях

От руководящих органов до производственных цехов, от удаленных месторождений до комплексных цепочек снабжений, от ветеранов отраслей до венчурных инвесторов нового века - искусственный интеллект (ИИ) является одним из наиболее актуальных направлений бизнеса.

Executive Brief

Advancing Profitability and Sustainability with APM 4.0

Today´s executives are faced with the complex challenge of maximizing profitability while meeting sustainability goals. Using APM 4.0 to identify efficiencies across the organization can drive operational excellence, which can lead to significant advancement of sustainability objectives.


Optimize for the “Business Trifecta”, Safety, Sustainability and Productivity

Discover how predictive maintenance and planned downtime can deliver positive results for your company when it comes to Safety, Sustainability and Productivity.


What’s the Future for APM 4.0?

Independent research and advisory firm Verdantix surveyed 42 executives worldwide to gain insights on the expectations for Asset Performance Solutions (APM). The survey found that 100% of the respondents viewed APM as critical to meeting their business objectives, and 82% relate energy consumption and emissions reduction goals to APM. While these solutions have become the norm for predictive and prescriptive maintenance, companies are also beginning to turn to APM 4.0 to drive performance and sustainability.


Taking Up the Dual Challenge

Industrial companies today face the dual challenge—meeting today’s demands sustainably for tomorrow. Digitalization enables organizations to optimize the use of energy and other resources while minimizing carbon emissions. What are the digitalization strategies other companies deploy? Read on to find out...


Enter the Era of Autonomy with the Self-Optimizing Plant

Start your journey to the self-optimizing plant and view this interactive e-book that highlights how your assets can be safer, more reliable, more flexible and more profitable.


Digitalization and Data Analytics: Are you Missing a Crucial Ingredient in Your Process

If you’re like most food and beverage process manufacturers, it could take you weeks or months to sift through and interpret all your data. In an industry where quality and precision is everything, delays can result in unplanned downtime, defective batches, product recalls and cost overruns—all with the potential to negatively impact your company’s reputation and bottom line.

Data Sheet

Virtual Flow Metering (VFM): Aspen METTE™

Download this data sheet for information on Aspen METTE Virtual Flow Metering (VFM), a powerful, web-based application that analyzes real-time sensor measurements to estimate the flow of oil, gas and water.

Data Sheet

AspenTech Operational Insights™ for Emissions Management and Decision Support

Decision-makers in complex and dynamic operational environments require a comprehensive and real-time understanding of the status of their business operations from a high-level corporate view to a low-level equipment view.

Case Study

Sardeolica Digitalizes Wind Farm Maintenance - Reducing Costs, Improving Uptime and Transforming Culture

In this case study, discover how Sardeolica used prescriptive maintenance to achieve maximum value and expects to reduce maintenance costs up to 10 percent per year.

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