
Case Study

Reservoir Modeling and Production Solutions Help Reduce Exploration Costs by Up to 20%

A major operator providing oil and gas exploration and extraction services in the Caspian Sea region deployed an ensemble simulation workflow utilizing the Aspen Big Loop technology to perform uncertainty and risk estimation as part of the project feasibility assessment, with Aspen Tempest as an orchestrator.

Case Study

OCP Ecuador Uses Prescriptive Maintenance to Accurately Identify Asset Failure and Reduce Maintenance Costs

OCP Ecuador is a midstream oil and gas company that transports, stores and ships crude oil. With assets installed in remote locations along its 485-kilometer pipeline, the company needed a maintenance solution that would enable them to predict and prevent equipment failures before they occurred. With Aspen Mtell® prescriptive maintenance, the company can now continuously monitor its critical assets for impending failure, using both process and mechanical data.

Case Study

MOL Group Drives Digitalization in Partnership with AspenTech

In this customer success story, learn how MOL recently added Aspen Mtell® software from the AspenONE® Asset Performance Management (APM) software suite to its portfolio of AspenTech solutions to drive efficiencies across plant operations and increase sustainability. This made a major contribution to operators in accelerating digitalization plans. Aspen Mtell has become an integral part of MOL’s strategic digitalization plan, which includes initiatives to extract increased value from its assets and increase overall plant availability to 96+ percent.

Case Study

LG Chem Significantly Increases Plant Capacity and Reduces Energy Usage

LG Chem increases capacity by 15% and saves energy through heat integration using Aspen Plus®, Aspen Energy Analyzer™ and Aspen Exchanger Design and Rating™.

Case Study

Indian Refinery Reduces Energy Consumption Using Real-Time Digital Twin

Energy reduction plays a key role in meeting aggressive sustainability goals. Learn how BPCL deployed an Aspen HYSYS®-based online digital twin of the amine regeneration unit (ARU) supporting the Aspen DMC3™-based (APC) system enabling them to:

Case Study

How Braskem Idesa Increased Reactor Uptime by Over 20% Using Existing Data and Resources

In this case study, learn how Braskem Idesa used Aspen ProMV™ to proactively identify and correct for conditions that historically led to high reactor fouling.

Case Study

Grupo MOL impulsiona a digitalização em parceria com a AspenTech

Neste estudo de caso, saiba como a MOL adicionou recentemente o software Aspen Mtell® da suíte de software AspenONE® Asset Performance Management (APM) ao seu portfólio de soluções AspenTech para aumentar a eficiência a eficiência operacional e aumentar a sustentabilidade. Isso contribuiu significativamente para as operadoras na aceleração dos planos de digitalização. A Aspen Mtell tornou-se parte integrante do plano estratégico de digitalização da MOL, que inclui iniciativas para extrair maior valor de seus ativos e aumentar a disponibilidade geral da planta para mais de 96%.

Case Study

Digital Supply Chain Helps FPCO Reduce Emissions and Waste, Meet Sustainability Goals

FP Corporation (FPCO) is Japan’s largest manufacturer of food containers and a logistics service provider delivering a range of products to stores engaged in food distribution. They needed to provide stable and responsive food distribution in an efficient and environmentally friendly way.

Case Study

Corteva Uses Hybrid Models for More Accurate Predictions and Improved Maintenance

In this case study, learn how Corteva Agriscience, an American agricultural chemical and seed company, resolved their frequent reboiler shutdowns by using Aspen Hybrid Models™. By combining plant data and AI within an Aspen Plus® model, Corteva improved the heat transfer and duty predictions to provide guidance for a better maintenance strategy.

Case Study

Como a Braskem Idesa Aumentou o Tempo Operativo do Reator em mais de 20% Usando Datos e Recursos Existentes

Neste estudo de caso, saiba como a Braskem Idesa usou o Aspen ProMV™ para identificar e corregir em forma proativa condições que históricamente levaram ao entumpimento dos reatores altos.

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