

A Conversation with Jeannette McGill, VP and GM, Metals & Mining

Earlier this year, Jeannette McGill joined AspenTech to lead our Metals and Mining team. She recently sat down with our blog editor to share some initial thoughts on digitalization, profitability, and metals and mining.


HP Article: When Digital Transformation Hits all Four Sustainability Buckets

Sustainability is emerging as a critical business topic, as companies focus resources toward lowering emissions, waste and energy use in their production process. In this article, Paige Morse, Chemicals Industry Marketing Director, shares how sustainability affects four key areas within a processing plant and how digital transformation supports sustainability efforts through efficiency improvements.


Efficient Plant: Use Industry 4.0 To Elevate Sustainability

In this article, AspenTech's Paige Marie Morse delves into how digital-transformation technologies can help industrial organizations cut energy costs while reducing environmental impact. Download now to discover how AI and machine-learning technology combined can enable companies to predict asset malfunctions well in advance and have positive financial and sustainable results.


Working In Silos

In the Pharma Times article “Working in Silos” AspenTech’s Justin Eames discusses the pitfalls of working in silos in the pharmaceutical industry and explains how AspenTech’s solutions can make an impact at speed using predictive analytics. Discover how to predict asset degradation and failure well in advance of an impending breakdown or disruption and gain the ability to make decisions that can not only minimize cost and disruption, but that can also protect public health by ensuring continuity and resulting quality of drug supply.


OGN: Achieving Sustainable Operations in Capital-intensive Industries

Companies in capital-intensive industries are facing a dual challenge—meeting the growing demand for resources and higher standards of living from a growing population while also addressing sustainability goals. And to succeed they will require new levels of operational excellence.


New Paradigms of Sustainable Value in 2021

As energy companies shift to a new normal due to the pandemic, the energy transition continues to gain strong momentum. Industry leaders are focused on meeting aggressive sustainability targets and are making investments in digitalization to accelerate innovation.


Earning a Social License to Automate

Technology has made unpredictable safety events more predictable and therefore more manageable. Now, sustainability is being prioritized alongside safety, and mining companies are turning to technology solutions to minimize their impact on the environment. In this second of a three-part series, read how changing times have had an impact on mine safety and technology for sustainability, and how operators prioritizing all of these are reaping the benefits.


MIT Technology Review: The Future Starts with Industrial AI

Digitalization in industrial facilities is critical to achieving new levels of safety, sustainability, and profitability—and AI is a key enabler for that transformation.


Business Reporter: Leading in the Energy Transition

This article, featured in Business Reporter by AspenTech CEO and President Antonio Pietri, explores the role that business leaders have to play in developing strategies that will position their companies for a sustainable future.


How Digitalization and Industrial AI are Accelerating Sustainability

The 2015 Paris Agreement and other international climate change accords have helped raise global awareness of the need for countries to take urgent action to combat climate change. As companies continue to focus on sustainability, a common theme is taking shape around the role of digitalization as a key enabler. In fact, a recent ARC Advisory Group survey revealed that 75% of respondents rated digital transformation as highly important for achieving sustainability goals.

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