
Bringing Capability and Culture Together Is the Key to Digital Transformation

Find out why collaboration between Maintenance and Operations is critical to your asset performance management strategy.


Building Resiliency, Agility and Recovery for the Chemical Industry

Economic, workforce and production transitions for chemical industry


Can My Small Plant Benefit from Digitalization?

Do Digital Twins, APC and APM technologies make financial sense in smaller process industries and alternative industries?


Aspen GDOT™

借助Aspen通用动态优化技术(General Dynamic Optimization Technology)缩小计划与实际运营之间的差距。Aspen GDOTTM 通过实时动态优化和协调多台工艺装置调整计划和调度目标,以确保始终实现惠及全厂的最佳经济效益。


Aspen GDOT™

Cierre la brecha entre la planeación y la operación actual con Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology (GDOT). Aspen GDOT alinea los objetivos de planeación y programación de forma dinámica para optimizar y coordinar múltiples unidades de proceso en tiempo real y asegurar los mejores resultados económicos en todo el sitio de manera consistente y minuto a minuto.


Aspen GDOT™ para refinerías

Cierre la brecha entre la planificación y las operaciones reales con Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology (GDOT). Aspen GDOT alinea la planificación y la programación al optimizar dinámicamente y coordinar múltiples unidades de procesos en tiempo real para garantizar los mejores resultados económicos a nivel sitio de manera consistente y de minuto en minuto. ¡Descargue este brochure para descubrir cómo las empresas están minimizando el regalo de calidad de producto, aumentando la producción, mejorando el rendimiento y mucho más!


Aspen GDOT™ for Refining

Close the gap between planning and actual operations with Aspen Generic Dynamic Optimization Technology (GDOT). Aspen GDOT™ aligns planning and scheduling objectives by dynamically optimizing and coordinating multiple process units in real time to ensure the best site-wide economic results, consistently and on a minute by minute basis. Download this brochure to discover how companies are minimizing product giveaway, increasing throughput, improving yields and much more!

Case Study

Oxiteno Plant Operations Reacts Quickly to Market Demand

Oxiteno has used the aspenONE® Engineering suite extensively over the past 25 years to modify and optimize current units, as well as design new units with complex configurations. Learn more.

Case Study

Customer Testimonial: PEMEX Accelerates Project Execution with Optimized Design and Cost Estimation

Learn why PEMEX chose an aspenONE solution to help build a Center of Excellence to drive operational performance.


Chemicals' Challenges on the Way to a Circular Economy

Solutions that address the challenge of the circular economy exact particular demands for the chemical industry. Products and processes must be redesigned to cut emissions and waste and extend material use systems.

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